It’s now 2022 and we have yet to meet to discuss everything that has happened in 2021! We wanted to meet in person this year but due to the current COVID situation we will be holding our 2021 AGM virtually.
The meeting will be held on Zoom on Wednesday January 26th starting at 7:30pm.
What even is an Annual General Meeting? At this meeting we will be giving a couple presentations about the health and progress of the club in 2021. We will discuss the current financial position and voting on some constitutional amendments and of course voting on the new board.
Presentations will include:
Progress on the Trowbridge Master Plan
The Future of the Shuniah 40 Miner
The new Strategic Master Plan for the club
Current financial reports
We will also have some time put aside for answering questions from our members. We have a google form here:Â https://forms.gle/zBLMxwdfNs6PtUf48 where anyone can submit questions anonymously.
After the Q&A portion there are a few constitutional amendments we need to vote on as a club and then we will be electing all the new board members.
The virtual meeting will be taking place on zoom. Please register for the meeting here:Â https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkcuqrqDorHtU0Ooe256b8JdqySwjWhdIa you will be emailed a link that you will need to attend the event. You can register at any time but why wait?
We are excited to see everyone again and interact with you regarding club decisions. See you all soon!