Categories: News

After months of discussion between Blacksheep and Thunder Bay Cycling Club (TBCC) the two clubs have decided to test run joint operations for this coming year!

What does that mean for both members of Blacksheep and TBCC?

Joint operations means:

  • Members will only need to purchase one general membership
  • The single general membership will allow for access to both clubs non-timed events/activities
  • Members will be able to select and purchase additional programming as they wish

A 2025 Blacksheep general membership will cover access to both clubs programming and allow for additional paid programming such as Blacksheep’s Wednesday Night Race series or TBCC’s WOW Ride to be added during the membership registration process (or anytime afterwards).

We are excited to see how this test run will go and hope members will enjoy increased access to both free and paid programming with their 2025 Blacksheep Membership!