Categories: News

Saturday October 5th 
Location: Loch Lomond Ski Hill
Racer Check in: 12:00-12:30pm
First Racer: 1:00pm 

Join us Saturday October 5th for the final downhill race of the year! The race will take place in the afternoon ahead of the year end banquet. Come for the race and stay for the banquet as both events will be held at Loch Lomond Ski Hill. We will be cooking burgers and hot dogs during the race so we have you covered for food all day!

If you haven’t made it out to one of the previous downhills the race track is an overall blue trail suitable to any intermediate rider. We offer both a Full DH and Recreational DH as detailed below.

Full DH – Races the course top to bottom and includes mandatory advanced features

Recreational DH – Races a shortened version of the course with no mandatory advanced features

Each participant will need to pre-register and pay using the links below:

Downhill Race #3 Registration 

Downhill Series Fee

If you have not been able to make it out to a previous practice day, don’t worry! The first run at each race is a practice run as well!

We are very excited to bring back downhill racing and look forward to the three races we have planned for the rest of the year!