With the uncertainty of our season this year, we felt this would be a good time to explain the levels of membership, and how things may be a bit different than what you’re used to seeing.
First, we encourage all trail users (bikers, runners, hikers, dog walkers, geocachers, birders, anglers, orienteerers, tree decorators, and whoever else wanders these woods) to consider becoming an official Blacksheep Trail Supporter. Our club is responsible for maintaining the Trowbridge Forest trail system and all money raised from these memberships goes directly to maintenance and expansion. The trails are free to use, but they aren’t free to build, so consider donating to this cause if you’re a regular in the network. Stay tuned for some Trail Awareness contests and promos we’ve got in the works too!
Due to COVID-19, this season’s events are tentative. We’re hopeful that traditional races will still happen in a safe manner later in the season. In the meantime, we plan to provide value to all members; trail development and maintenance, virtual races and challenges, and physically distant events are all in the works (with the first virtual ride happening May 23-31!). We are also kicking things off by offering all riders with a General Membership entrance into one free virtual race.
Now at any time this season, you will be eligible to upgrade your membership and be credited for any money already spent – you will only pay the difference. Trail Supporters can upgrade to Blacksheep Membership or Full Membership. Blacksheep Membership can be upgraded to Full Membership. Reach out to let us know, and we can sort you out! The club still needs income for insurance, maintenance, trail development, and other annual costs, but we understand that times are different right now. We want your support, but will be very flexible for those who want to upgrade their membership as racing comes back, and more events reappear on the calendar.
On another note, we encourage everyone to check out the TrailForks app. On top of having the most up to date trail maps and conditions, you can login and track your rides, and this data can help us to estimate ridership, receive funding for trail development, and to better understand how we all use the trail system!
We thank our members for their continued support, and are working hard to keep this season going in a socially distant manner. Please remember that whenever you’re using the trails to stay safe, and keep eyes out for all the new riders in the system! Be sure to say hi, and tell them about the BlackSheep 🙂