We will be closing Drift this spring as it is not finished for summer use yet. We hope those who got a taste of the trail while it was groomed for fat biking are as excited as us to see it finished.
In a few weeks, if the trail is hardened and undamaged we will be able to open the first couple hundred feet of trail. Currently the finished sections of trail are extremely susceptible to damage. When this happens we ask that you respect the closure of the rest of the trail. It takes a significant amount of extra work to do our finishing work if the loose dirt from last year gets packed from traffic of any kind.
We are excited to finish this project and can’t wait to start working on it again once we are able to. We have invested $35,815 with help of the CEDC,Thunder Bay Parks and Open Spaces Division, our generous sponsors, and your donations into the development of this trail. Drift is our largest investment yet and continues the development of the Trowbridge Forest Masterplan.