Categories: Events

Hope everybody’s been having a great summer! Read on for details on all things BlackSheep for the month of August.


Upcoming Events:

First and foremost, here’s some key dates to keep in mind. Some more details may be found further down in the update, but these are some things you won’t want to miss!

July 31 – Race for the Cheese

Aug 7 – Youth/Women’s Skills Clinic

Aug 10 – Thunder Grinder; TBay’s premier gravel road race held by TBCC. Visit for details.

Aug 17-18 – IMBA Trail School


Race Series:

Looking for the results from the Enduro last week? How about results from previous races? Tired of hitting refresh on your Facebook timeline, waiting for us to post the link to the next race’s registration?

Look no further. Our tech monkey has been hard at work getting a new page built, and now you can find all of that information at . Simply click the buttons to reach either the next race’s registration, or previous race results embedded on the page.

Speaking of registration, THIS WEDNESDAY is the RACE FOR THE CHEESE…which does not require any online registration. On-site registration opens at 5:30, closes at 6:30, and the fun and games begin at 7:00pm in the Kinsmen Park field. Remember to bring a cheesy prize! What’s a cheesy prize? A funky bike bell is a popular go-to. Or maybe a (clean) retro bike jersey. Your grandpa’s old fannypack would make a great accessory for that enduro bro out there too. Something like that. Bike-related or not, just a fun little prize that will create a little bit of joy (or devastating sorrow) to whoever wins it.


Women’s Group Ride:

Unfortunately with all of the events squeezed into July, we somehow missed the Women’s Ride that was scheduled for July 23rd. We sincerely apologize for this lapse in our scheduling and prep! We will be discussing this miscue at our next board meeting to ensure we have the appropriate buffers in place so that this does not happen again.

Here’s our next women’s rides to mark down on your calendar (and we’ll mark them down too!):

August 7 – Youth/Women’s Clinic
August 20 – Group Ride
September 17 – Group Ride

IMBA Trail School:

Join us for a weekend of trail building school on August 17th and 18th!

We will be hosting IMBA Canada as they hold a class on proper trail building technique. This is a great chance to brush up on your skills, learn some new techniques, and get some more trail built in the beautiful Trowbridge Forest. If you pass on our regular build days because you feel your skills aren’t quite up to snuff, or that you won’t be of much help (those are both definitely wrong assumptions), please sign up for this Trail School – the skills you learn here will make you that much more valuable to our ever-growing community of mountain bikers in Thunder Bay!

You do not need to be a Blacksheep Club member to participate. Register here:

Thanks to IMBA Canada and Arbora Management Services for making this possible! Stay tuned to our Facebook event for the latest updates and finest details.


Underground Gym Partnership:

And here’s a couple pics from last Sunday’s ride with Underground Gym! Thanks again to Simon, Peter, Ian, and all others involved with the endeavor.